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Agency Accessibility Plans
Brooklyn B P Logo

Brooklyn Borough President’s Office


We are committed to making our programs and services more accessible to New Yorkers with disabilities. This Proposed Plan outlines our strategy to make improvements over the next five years.

We welcome your feedback! Comments can be submitted online using the form below. For additional ways to comment, see the Notice link above.


2 Responses

  1. The plan notes that Brooklyn Borough Hall is an ADA accessible space. The plan should note if that means that assistive listening devices are provided to those with hearing loss who request them.

    The plan also notes that ASL interpretation is to be provided at larger events. SInce many who are deaf or hard of hearing do not use sign language, the plan should at least note the consideration of use of captioning for large events.

  2. I am requesting the plan included the provision of Zoom or hybrid sessions for all meetings, including Community Board meetings. As there are individuals with disabilities who cannot attend in-person meetings, it is imperative that we are enabled to fully participate through these means, rather than being limited to watching a recording after the meeting.