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Agency Accessibility Plans
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Department of Correction


Thank you for your interest in what we are doing to make our programs and services more accessible. Any comments listed below were provided during the public comment period prior to the publication of the initial final Five-Year Accessibility Plan. Each year we will be posting a Progress Report, so check back.


2 Responses

  1. Hearing loss in the workplace can be a challenge. But with the right resources and environment, it doesn’t mean it will affect your work.

    I’m employed at the department of correction for 20 years; the Job has accommodated me with assistive devices and have made my job easier without any struggle. I’m excited that this program and services are available to help us in achieving our goals in the workplace.

  2. Dept of Correction notes that ASL interpretation and assistive devices will be used when necessary for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. It should be mentioned that there are deaf individuals who do not use ASL and who need support beyond assistive listening devices. For these individuals, captioning is the best practice and should be part of the accessibility plan.